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【Industry News】China Semiconductor Industry Market Status and Development Prospect Analysis in 2020

China Semiconductor Industry Market Status and Development Prospect Analysis in 2020

Semiconductor industry belongs to the electronic information industry, belongs to the hardware industry, based on the semiconductor and the development of an industry. With the launch of 5G commercial services in major markets around the world, 5G smartphones will usher in a period of rapid growth, thus driving the semiconductor industry to resume growth.

1, 2019 China's semiconductor sector net profit growth rate of more than 80%

According to Eastern Fortune Choice data: 222 listed companies in the electronics industry that have released their 2019 performance forecasts: 141 with growth, 76 with decline and 27 with loss. Disclosure of annual performance forecast range to the median of the range, 222 companies 2019 annual net profit attributable to the mother totaled 57.213 billion yuan, an increase of 32.94%.

Eastern Fortune Choice data show that: 48 semiconductor listed companies disclosed a combined 2019 attributable net profit of about 7.578 billion, an increase of 88.24% year-on-year.

2, 2020 March epidemic improved, the semiconductor sector opened sharply higher

March 2, 2020, the semiconductor sector opened sharply higher, as of March 2 morning close, Huilun crystal, Rexin micro, Starr peninsula up, raw benefit technology rose more than 7 percentage points, Taisheng technology, Shennan electric road rose more than 5 percentage points, Shenghong technology, Nanda light, Huazheng new material rose more than 4 percentage points.

3, China's semiconductor industry market outlook analysis: a number of institutions bullish in 2020 semiconductor industry development

5G era of killer applications will promote the construction of new infrastructure, represented by the semiconductor hard-core technology has become the focus of the layout. Many brokerage institutions believe that counter-cyclical policies are likely to continue to increase the code, in addition to the code infrastructure, based on the 5G network "new infrastructure" will become the focus, in the demand side, information technology construction is to improve production efficiency, during the outbreak, the demand for information technology and applications are widely valued, when the semiconductor The semiconductor industry will benefit directly from this outbreak and the market outlook is good.
